Vulcan 661250 250Litre Electric Storage


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(Manufactured by Rheem)
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Vulcan 661250 250Litre Electric Storage

Good reasons why Vulcan 661250 250Litre Electric Storage is such a popular choice for reliable water heating. High quality and performance at a very affordable price.

Australia’s Most Popular Electric Hot Water System.
Brand Vulcan
Manufacturer Rheem
Model No. 661250G7
Energy Source Electric
Location Indoor/Outdoor
No. of People Off Peak 1-3
No. of People Continuous 2-4
No. of Elements 1
Element Capacity kW 3.6
Hot Water Delivery Litres 250 Litres
Boost Capacity
Relief Valve Setting kPa 1000
Expansion Control Valve (ECV) kPa 850
Maximum Water Pressure
with ECV kPa 680
without ECV kPa 800
Water Connections RP 3/4 /20
Approximate Weight kg 70
Tank Warranty Years 10

That’s Vulcan® Value High quality and performance at a very affordable price.

Four good reasons why Vulcan 661250G7 250 Litre 3.6KW is such a popular choice for a reliable electric water heater.

  1. 10 Year Tank Warranty – More thank any other manufacturer in its class.
    a. Australian Made in Rydlemere NSW
    b. Uses Australian labour and materials
  1. Vulcan is built with the best quality materials and proven technology make Vulcan electric water heater a great choice.
  2. Vulcan is tough.
    The Vulcan 661250 250Litre Electric Storage water heater is made in Australia from high strength steel. The Vulcan water heaters  tough enough to withstand varying water and heating cycle pressures.
  3. Vulcan has backup.
    If you need a spare part for your Vulcan 661250G7 , it’s good to know they are readily available across the country. A Vulcan electric hot water system and can be serviced by most plumbers or electricians.

Many households change over time.  It’s important to make sure you select the electric hot water heater to suit your needs both now and as your family grows.

Take into consideration appliances such as washing machines and dishwashers. These appliances can use as much hot water as one person.
Also allow for family additions. Don’t forget – small children grow into large teenagers.

Additional information

Size by Litres

Type of System


Element Size

Height (mm)

Width (mm)

Depth (mm)

Weight -kg

Manufacturers Warranty

Energy Source

ECV Setting

TPR Setting

No. of People Continuous Tariff

No. of People Off Peak Tariff

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